About Us

Foxx Sound and Video, Inc. was founded in 2005. The primary focus of FS&V, Inc. was to bridge the gap between the budget concious customers and professional quality audio video products and services.

For years, FS&V, Inc. President, Rob Foxx worked for several large scale audio video contracting firms. What Rob saw happen over and over again was customers being sold systems for huge profits to the company while the customer went under served.

There was simply too much fat and too much inefficiency with the large companies. This was not serving the clients very well at all. Good customers were paying premium pricing for entry level systems. Great for the company. Not so great for the hard working business owner trying to get their business off the ground.

Our philosophy at Foxx Sound and Video, Inc. is a fair price for a professional grade system or service. Not a watered down economy system sold at a 50% (or more) sales margin or having to pay a service fee for a system that was not fixed by the service technician. That just didn't sit well with us.

We constantly challenge our vendors to provide the best deals on equipment and materials and we pass those savings on to our customers.

We accurately quote our labor expenses and stand behind our word and workmanship.

We do our best to educate our customer on the front end so that there is a clear understanding of the costs involved and what the expected outcome will be. We always strive to deliver the biggest bang for the buck.